At doob, comfort isn't just about sinking into our bean bags. It's about creating a ripple effect of positive impact on lives and the planet.

We believe in product innovation to bolster both physical and mental well-being. From bean bags designed to promote ergonomic comfort to weighted features encouraging relaxation, we aim to craft products that cater to everyone. This includes those on the neurodivergent spectrum, where sensory needs are unique and often overlooked.


We actively support organisations advocating for mental health, disability, and children's well-being. Our sponsorships and collaborations translate to tangible resources and support for these communities.


We're actively transitioning to recycled polyester and repurposing our production offcuts into delightful smaller items, striving to create a world where comfort and sustainability coexist.



We don't just donate bean bags; we create havens of comfort and connection. Our bean bags bring joyful moments at awareness events and charity carnivals, while offering calming environments in social service and treatment centers.


Picture a child with a disability finding solace in a bean bag during therapy, or a family experiencing laughter together at a fundraising event thanks to our contribution. That's the impact doob strives for - making a real difference in lives through the power of comfort and community.



At doob, we're taking comfort seriously, and that includes respecting the planet. Here's how we're consciously minimising our environmental footprint:


Greener Materials: We're switching to GRS-certified recycled polyester, giving new life to plastic waste and reducing our reliance on virgin resources.


Waste Not, Want Not: We cleverly repurpose production offcuts into useful and delightful smaller items, maximising resource use and minimising waste.


Durable Design: Our bean bags are built to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements and associated environmental impact.


Less is More: We offer a high-density filling option, requiring fewer refills and minimizing transportation emissions.